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Bacterial Population Growth
In this problem P(t) is the population of the bacterium at discrete time periods (measured in seconds) t = 0, 1, 2,… and P(t+1) = P(t) + P(0) Exp[-P(t)/P(0)]. So P(1) = 137% P(0), P(2) = 162% P(0). You are asked to determine the “cap” or “equilibrium level” for the maximum population (as a multiple of P(0)), at what time (t) the population reaches 50 percent of this cap and, hypothetically, what the population (as a multiple of P(0)) would be after a trillion (1012) years of growth.
Here is a simple solution to the first two questions based on an idea in a solution submitted by Brad Rosin. If L > 0 is the least upper bound for P(t), the P(t) converges strictly monotonically to L. So for any d > 0, it is possible to find a t1 such that L – d < P(t) < L when t > t1. Consequently P(t+1) – P(t) = P(0) Exp[-P(t)/P(0)] < d. Taking logarithms results in Log[P(0)] – P(t)/P(0) < Log[d] and it follows that P(t) > P(0) (Log[P(0)/d]). So, for any L > 0, if we pick d < P(0) Exp[– L/P(0)] then P(t) > L. So, P(t) has no upper bound and increases toward infinity.
For an explicit estimate of P(t), it turns out that Log[t+e] asymptotically converges to P(t)/P(0) for large t.
A trillion (1012) years is 1012 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 31,536,000,000,000,000,000 and Log[31,536,000,000,000,000,000 + e] = 44.8977. So, although the population increases to infinity without an upper bound, it grows incredibly slowly.
Although intuitively sensible, to prove this requires some real analysis. Let y(t) = P(t)/P(0). It follows that y(t+1) – y(t) = Exp[-y(t)]. Consider the analogous differential equation z‘(t) = Exp[-z(t)] and boundary condition z(0) = 1, which has the solution z(t) = Log[t + e ]. Also note y(t) can be extended to a continuous function for all t ≥ 0 as the solution to the differential equation y‘(t) = Exp[-y(Floor[t])], where Floor[t] is the greatest integer ≤ t and boundary condition y(0) = 1. Let a(t) = y(t)-z(t). y(1) = 1 + e and z(1) = Log [1 + e] < 1 + e and therefore a(1) > 0.
Consider what happens between t and t+1 for any integer t >=1 if a(t) > 0. Since y(t) > z(t) it follows that z‘(t) > y‘(t) > 0. For u in the interval (t, t+1) if z(u) > y(t) then z‘(u) < y‘(u). So z(u) < y(u) since if z(u) were to exceed y(t) < y(u) it would grow more slowly than y(u). By induction from t = 1, it follows that y(t) > z(t) and hence a(t) > 0 and a(t+1) < a(t) for t > 0.
Suppose that a(t) has a lower bound L > 0 for integer values t > 0. Then y(t) ≥ z(t) + L and for integers t it follows that y(t+1) – y(t) ≤ Exp[-L]/(t+e). Since z(t+1) – z(t) > 1/(t+e+1), consequently a(t+1) – a(t) < Exp[-L]/(t+e) -1/(t+e+1) < Exp[-L] /(t+e)-1/(t+e+1). The sum of Exp[-L]/(t+e) -1/(t+e+1) from t =1 to k is, by grouping terms differently, equal to Exp[-L]/(1+e) + [Sum from t = 2 to k of (Exp[-L]-1)/(t+e)] – 1/(k+e+1). Since Exp[-L]-1 < 0 and the sum of 1/(t+e) diverges to infinity as k increases, [Sum from t = 2 to k of (Exp[-L]-1)/(t+e)] diverges to negative infinity. This leads to the contradiction that a(t) < 0 for t large enough. So, the greatest lower bound of a(t) must be 0. Since a(t) is strictly decreasing with increasing, it asymptotically converges to 0 and hence z(t) asymptotically converges to y(t).
Solutions were also submitted by Bob Conger and Rob Kahn.