CAS Fellows will vote on a slate of candidates for the CAS Board of Directors and CAS president-elect, with online voting beginning on August 1, 2017. On that day, the CAS will email Fellows a link to the online ballot. Paper ballots will be mailed on August 1 to those Fellows who do not have an email address on file with the CAS office. Completed ballots must be submitted online or re- turned to the CAS office by August 29, 2017.
In the following pages, readers can learn about the candidates through the 100-word summaries they provided regarding their interest in running for CAS leadership positions. More details about each candidate can be found in the Meet the Candidates section of the CAS website.
Please contact Mike Boa (mboa@casact.org) with any questions or comments about the election process.
Meet the Candidates
President-Elect Nominee
James K. Christie
FCAS 1982
I have actively volunteered within the CAS and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries for over 30 years. This volunteer experience has positioned me well to take on the role of CAS president-elect. During my term in office my primary focus will be on ensuring the CAS education and accreditation processes continue to be world leaders.
Board Director Nominees
Katherine H. (Kathy) Antonello
FCAS 2001
I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to give back to the organization that laid the foundation for my career, with an emphasis on adapting the educational processes and offerings so that the CAS remains relevant in this rapidly changing environment. With more than 30 years of broad actuarial background, I will strive to bring a unique perspective to the CAS Board by drawing on lessons learned from my company, consulting and bureau experience. My understanding of the varied actuarial needs of numerous stakeholders, including executives, students, companies, regulators and legislators, will help the CAS formulate a competitive strategy and thrive.
Peter Bothwell
FCAS 1984
I have built my career around being a change agent. I have led process redesign projects, built data science capabilities from scratch and sponsored data management, metadata and third-party data initiatives at multiple companies. The CAS is beginning to embrace the rapid evolution that technology has enabled in data and analytics. I would like to help make those changes faster and easier to achieve.
Frank H. Chang
FCAS 2009
I am excited to shape the strategic direction of the CAS. I have held various traditional and nontraditional actuarial roles over my 12-year career. At two different tech companies, I built actuarial teams from scratch. I have created meaningful and engaging opportunities for actuaries and students at both companies. I firmly believe in the value of the education provided by the CAS, but also believe that we need to adapt to maintain that value as our industry and the world evolves. I humbly ask for your vote.
Xiaoxuan (Sherwin) Li
FCAS 2013
The new strategy adopted by the CAS in 2015 requires us to take more care of the international markets besides the U.S. and Canada. In comparison with some other professional organizations, however, the CAS still has many things to do on the road of internationalization. Otherwise, the influence and the brand of the CAS will be weakened gradually in the world in the future. I hope everyone is aware that the CAS does not only belong to the North America but the world, and the CAS is a P&C actuarial solution expert for the whole world.
James P. Lynch
FCAS 2001
I’ve seen the insurance industry as a skeptical outsider (journalist) and in a variety of roles as a passionate insider (pricing/reserving, insurance/reinsurance, domestic/international, practitioner/observer). I believe that background helps me understand the major issues casualty actuaries face: the importance of globalization, the way technology is reshuffling exposures and the need to keep top talent entering the profession. I also believe I can use my background to help the CAS continue to find innovative ways to address these and other challenges as they emerge.
Christopher Smerald
FCAS 1992
I am passionate about the future of the actuarial profession. I have a diverse and international background and have had continual involvement with many of the most important issues affecting the CAS. This includes data science, modernizing our approaches, risk management, improving actuarial communication and value added, and collaborating with other professionals. I have developed strong personal and professional growth through my professional and voluntary commitments. I have a particular interest in improving society for our future and the role of professionals and volunteerism in this. I listen carefully, lead effectively, collaborate productively and value diverse input in challenging situations.
Katey Walker
FCAS 2008
I currently work in Pinnacle’s predictive analytics practice area, which requires the ability to assess situations and create implementable solutions, sometimes through complicated methods but more often with negotiation and influence. I would like to invest these same efforts in developing programs and policies that benefit the CAS membership. I have been fortunate to have many opportunities within the CAS — to be on committees, to find mentors, to grow personally and professionally. So, with the thought of “using my powers for good,” it would be a privilege to work within the CAS leadership to ensure others have opportunities to succeed.
Caleb M. Wetherell
FCAS 2016
I am committed to advancing the actuarial profession and strengthening the strategic direction of the CAS. I will bring value to the CAS Board through a fresh perspective; recently attaining Fellowship gives me a different angle with which to view the profession. With a lengthy career ahead of me I have a vested interest in ensuring the CAS supports its current and future members by providing the education and resources needed to succeed in the future.