Renowned global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich has been selected featured speaker for the CAS Centennial Celebration and Annual Meeting in New York City. Scheduled for Monday, November 10, 2014, Uldrich’s address is titled “Why Future Trends in Risk Management Demand ‘Unlearning’ Today.” Uldrich’s expertise on organizational change and unlearning (or as Uldrich puts it “an internal act that requires you to release something old”) will offer a unique point of view on the challenges that the actuarial field will face as technology and society evolve.
“We are thrilled to have Jack Uldrich as our keynote speaker,” said Gail Ross, chair of the CAS Centennial Steering Committee. “As the CAS celebrates and reflects on its first one hundred years, we also consider the future of the organization and the profession. Our meeting’s theme is ‘the next 100 years,’ so we look forward to hearing Jack’s perspectives.”
Uldrich is the founder and “chief unlearning officer” of the School of Unlearning—an international leadership, change management and technology consultancy dedicated to helping businesses, governments and non-profit organizations prepare for and profit from periods of profound transformation. His clients include Fortune 100 companies, state and regional governments, and venture capital firms. He is also a regular contributor on emerging technologies and future trends for a number of publications.
Uldrich is the author of 11 award-winning and bestselling books and has addressed topics ranging from assessing nanotechnology’s impact on business, staying ahead of emerging technology and using unlearning to achieve a successful future. He frequently lectures on technology, change management and leadership, and he has spoken to numerous businesses, trade associations and investment groups around the world. His expertise and ability to deliver provocative, new perspectives on competitive advantage, organizational change and transformational leadership will present an exciting and thought-provoking exploration of the future of the actuarial profession and risk management.
As the CAS Centennial featured speaker, Uldrich will explore how to adapt to the “predictably unpredictable” future of risk management. With the understanding that the CAS is at a pivotal point in history, Uldrich will reflect on the CAS’s rich history and share his advice and predictions for the future of property-casualty actuaries. “Looking back over the last 100 years gives us perspective on how quickly and dramatically things change,” said Ulrich. “What might the future hold for casualty actuaries? Are you looking far enough down the road to be sure you’re proactive rather than reactive? No one can predict the future, but I want to help you prepare for what the next 100 years may bring.”
More information on Jack Uldrich and his background is available on the CAS Centennial Celebration and Annual Meeting website.