We don’t know what prompted Irwin Kent, in May 1991, to submit this letter about professional etiquette, but his advice still holds.
Professional Etiquette
To The Actuarial Review:
Many of our leaders work hard to establish good working relationships between our profession and the IRS, Treasury Department, DOL and PBGC [Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation].
It is unfortunate that at some of our meetings, derogatory comments are made about these organizations and members of these organizations.
While we disagree many times with what is done and with the rules we have to work with and live under, name-calling is unnecessary. It is in particular bad taste at an annual meeting of any of the actuarial organizations where many members of the government are in attendance.
I sincerely hope that all planning committee members will instruct their speakers that comments and discussions should be limited to facts and not chastisement or name-calling.
Irwin I. Kent
Past President
Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice
Walter Wright served as AR editor in chief from 1998 to 2002 and as AR managing editor from 1993-1998. He retired from Oliver Wyman in 2008.