Member News

New Regional Affiliate Named; Holds First Seminar

The newest CAS Regional Affiliate unveiled its new name at its first meeting held June 12 at the China Re Building in Beijing. ARECA, which stands for Asia REgion Casualty Actuaries, was host to around 90 international CAS members and insurance industry professionals. The one-day seminar included presentations on as catastrophe risk modeling, motor detariffication and automated vehicles.

“Our inaugural meeting was a huge success,” said Delvin Cai, FCAS, ARECA president. “We look forward to harnessing this energy and bringing the same level of programming to future ARECA events across Asia.” Other ARECA officers for 2015 are Tony Gu, FCAS, president-elect; Yu Shan (Cathy) Hwang, FCAS, secretary/treasurer; Bo Huang, FCAS, VP East Asia; Herb Desson, ACAS, VP Southeast Asia; Waswate Ayana, FCAS, international advisor.

The new Regional Affiliate conducted a “Name That Affiliate!” contest earlier this year. James Sandor, FCAS, came up with the winning submission and won his choice of an Apple Watch Sport or iPad Air 2.

For more on ARECA and its upcoming events, contact CAS International Relations Manager Michael Chou at