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Belgian Team Wins 2024 Hachemeister Prize

The 2024 Hachemeister Prize has been awarded to the paper “Bridging the gap between pricing and reserving with an occurrence and development model for non-life insurance claims,” by Drs. Jonas Crevecoeur, Katrien Antonio and Alexandre Masquelein from the Belgian university KU Leuven, and Dr. Stijn Desmedt from QBE Re. The Hachemeister Prize is awarded annually to papers from the Actuarial Studies in Non-life Insurance (ASTIN) Bulletin, ASTIN Colloquium, or Actuarial Approach for Financial Risks (AFIR) Colloquium, with emphasis on their impact in the actuarial community and practicality of application. 

One of the authors will be invited to present the group’s prize-winning paper at an upcoming CAS meeting.