Member News

CAS Announces New Web-Based Submission Platform for Publications, Creation of CAS Literature Review Board

The Casualty Actuarial Society is pleased to announce the launch of its new publication management system, ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Owned by Thomson Reuters, ScholarOne is the leading web-based manuscript submission, peer-review, and tracking system used by scholarly publishers worldwide for over 3,400 academic books and journals. The ScholarOne platform will be initially introduced for Variance and monographs and will eventually act as a hub for submissions to all CAS publications, including E-Forum call papers and independent research.

The new platform provides authors with a centralized portal that will allow them to easily upload their manuscripts, supplemental materials, permission forms and other documentation necessary for submission. The system allows authors to check the progress of their submissions at any time. Manuscript review will also be handled online through the ScholarOne system, with the option for authors to view and respond to comments once the review process is complete. (Note that any papers now under review by the CAS will continue to be processed through the current manuscript review system and do not require additional action.)

“Producing top-quality, world-renowned literature is a cornerstone of the CAS legacy,” said Stan Khury, FCAS, chair of the Strategic Review of Literature Task Force. “The new system helps us advance our mission to publish literature that provides critical value for CAS members and also advances property and casualty actuarial science.”

The CAS also announced the formation of the CAS Literature Review Board (LRB), a group that will provide peer-review services for any CAS publication requiring it (e.g., Variance, CAS monographs, certain call paper programs). The LRB was created in response to increasing demands for CAS-oriented peer-review services across a wide array of publications. The new configuration allows the CAS to deliver peer-review options to a larger selection of CAS publications through a more centralized system. The LRB also will be responsible for improving the peer-review process while maintaining the high quality that the current reviewers provide.

“The creation of the Literature Review Board is a step that openly recognizes the important and great work that CAS peer reviewers have provided throughout the life of the CAS,” said Eugene Connell, FCAS, chair of the Literature Review Board. “Offering peer review to a greater number and variety of publications can only improve the work that we produce each year.”

CAS members and others interested in volunteering with the Literature Review Board should contact Elizabeth Smith, manager of publications, at