Editor's Note

CAS Strong

Several elements come together to make an organization durable: the desire to serve, to grow in knowledge and to pursue new endeavors. This issue of AR highlights just some of the components that are the backbone of the CAS.

Once a year, Actuarial Review lists all of the members who help keep our Society strong and viable. Our thanks go out to all of you listed in this year’s Volunteer Honor Roll. Thanks also to those who have supported these volunteers and the organizations that have provided the time and funding.

There is still time to make sure you are in compliance with the continuing education requirements for 2015. Gordon Hay’s article on page 14 can provide some insight as well as an interesting view from a member of the Continuing Education Compliance Committee. I admit, I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to find out that some members are not using TRACE to track their continuing education (https://www.actuary.org/trace). I have been using it for years, and find it is easy and convenient. If you need some resources, see the “Get Ahead” column by David Zornek.

Living near Detroit, I find our feature article, “Destination Driverless,” especially interesting. I recently had a lengthy discussion about the driverless vehicles with a retired GM engineer. He brought the technological aspects to the conversation, while I provided the insurance and legal implications. He mentioned that the Michigan Department of Transportation and University of Michigan researchers have designed an “Mcity,” a facility for testing and evaluating automated vehicles and systems. (See more about it at http://www.mtc.umich.edu/test-facility.) While the subject is much broader than insurance alone, it will have a significant impact on what we do in the future.

Members joining the Actuarial Innovation Ambassadors might be tempted to go out and buy a copy of The Creators’ Code, the subject of our “On The Shelf” column. It’s also good reading for anyone wanting to learn about the thought processes of successful innovators.

And that’s our issue of AR. It’s been put together by volunteers and its contents reflect the strengths of the CAS. Enjoy!