In the May 1989 issue of Actuarial Review, Dana H. Murphy, Editor of Contingencies, announced the first issue of this award-winning magazine. Happy Silver Anniversary!
On May 15, the first issue of the actuarial profession’s exciting new magazine, Contingencies, will be in the mail. As editor, I believe that the quality of the magazine’s content, as well as its graphic presentation, can rival any magazine on the newsstand. Like the publication of E.J. Moorhead’s definitive history of the actuarial profession in America, Our Yesterdays, the premiere of Contingencies will demonstrate to a wide audience the past achievement and future potential of practicing actuaries. We invite your full participation in the magazine.
The magazine is being published by the American Academy of Actuaries in Washington, DC, and will appear every other month. It will be sent out to an estimated 12,000 practicing actuaries. Every member of the Academy will receive Contingencies as a benefit of membership.
Since one of the crucial missions of the new publication is to get the word out about the depth and the comprehensiveness of actuaries’ work, and the unique applicability of that work to many of our pressing national problems, Contingencies will be mailed on a regular basis to a supplementary roster of approximately 10,000 national leaders—CEOs and CFOs of the Fortune 500 companies; insurance companies executives, including chief underwriters; risk managers; accountants; key Congressmen and their staffs; and state insurance commissioners.