Editor's Note

Lights. Camera. Action!

This AR showcases some of the research activities being “performed” by CAS members and partners, playing off of the theme “coming attractions.” The movie buffs out there will easily get the allusions; others of you may have to work harder. We hope you enjoy these film references while getting up to speed on CAS research.

So, in the spirit of our cover story, here are a few trailers1 for this issue.

In the category of short video, I highly recommend you read about “Attending Your First CAS Meeting.” It’s clear to me how this fun-to-watch video won the Silver EXCEL Award in the category of “Best Video–Membership.” I was blown away knowing that CAS members were involved in such a production. Two thumbs up!

Suspense is fine for a film genre, but when it comes to work, it’s really not our thing. Actuaries are known as forecasters, but do we qualify as “superforecasters?” Superforecasting was a hot topic at the last Reinsurance Seminar — some in our midst have even been included in the ranks of superforecasters. To see if you qualify as one, be sure to read the “On the Shelf” column. Thanks to Laurie McClellan for another interesting book review.

If you prefer documentaries, Marco Baratta’s Actuarial Expertise piece on “block chain” tells what it is and what it has to do with actuarial work. Actuaries will be hearing a lot more about this trending topic in the months ahead. We are also happy to welcome Baratta as a first-time AR contributor.

(Speaking of contributing, we want to know your ideas for feature stories and other AR content. Please drop us a line at ar@casact.org and let us know what’s on your mind.)

Other highly recommended entries in the issue include CAS President Steve Lowe’s thoughts on our education system and Rob Walling’s “In My Opinion” on retaining our market value.

I hope you enjoy this issue of AR. Thanks and I’ll see you at the movies!
