Growing up on three continents has given Marina Vaninsky, FCAS, a distinct outlook on adjusting to one’s environment and attaining success. She has undertaken many challenges in her life and career. The CAS has unique and motivated members from all over the world, and Vaninsky is an excellent illustration of this.
Vaninsky was born in Moscow, and her family moved to Israel when she was a child. When she was a senior in high school her family relocated from Israel to Connecticut. Moving at young ages to significantly different environments pushed Vaninsky to adapt quickly. “It was a challenge to adapt to a new country, language and traditions,” she said. Her father, Alexander Vaninsky, is a professor of finance and mathematics and currently teaches at the City University of New York and the University of Connecticut (UConn). In college she followed her father’s path, majoring in finance at UConn.
While finishing her degree, Vaninsky took a summer internship in the GenRe accounting department, where she discovered the actuarial profession. She had never heard of an actuary and soon became intrigued by the analytical nature of the work. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she tackled the CAS exam process, achieving her ACAS in 2007 and her FCAS in 2008. Her actuarial career began in reinsurance reserving, and she is now responsible for pricing casualty programs in Hudson Insurance Group’s New York office.
After establishing her actuarial career, Vaninsky wanted a new challenge. She enrolled in Columbia University’s MBA program and did coursework on weekends. Friends and colleagues thought she was switching careers, but Vaninsky had another reason. “Actuaries in today’s world are increasingly seen as business partners,” she said. “They are expected to have excellent business skills like strategic thinking, team building and negotiation tactics.” Vaninsky is using her MBA to gain a broader business perspective and greater creativity in problem solving. She will complete the program in 2015.
An active CAS volunteer, Vaninsky has served the Casualty Actuaries of Greater New York (CAGNY), for three years as education chair, where she oversaw the annual university scholarship for the CAS Regional Affiliate. “It was gratifying to identify talented students interested in actuarial science,” she said. “I was reminded of those who helped me early in my career and how important their influence was for me.” Currently, she is vice president of CAGNY.
Vaninsky has also served on the CAS Committee for Reinsurance Seminars since 2011. “I joined when I worked in reinsurance,” she said. “Later, when I moved to primary insurance, I decided to stay on the committee and focus on the perspective of the ceding company. Volunteering helps me to stay in touch with the reinsurance community.” She is also a member of the CAS Media Relations Committee.
Her international upbringing has given her the foundation to adapt to ever-changing situations, and her education and experience have broadened her skill set. Combining business skills with actuarial science has added another dimension to her outlook. Vaninsky uses her proficiencies to give back to the CAS through volunteering. She is a splendid example of a CAS member who is focused on the future.
Matt Caruso is the membership and volunteer manager for the CAS.