Welcome to the CAS Staff Spotlight, a column featuring members of the CAS staff. For this spotlight, we are proud to introduce you to Wesley Ross.
- What do you do at the CAS?
I recently joined the CAS in the IT and Online Services department. My role is project management in nature, related to web and other online presences, network infrastructure, communications platforms, GDPR, security and data. I will always be the “IT Guy,” but that role has certainly expanded in the last few years. - What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy that every day is different and that I work with a smart bunch of people who want to improve the member experience and who aren’t afraid to put in the effort to do so. - What’s your hometown?
I’m from Foley, a small town on the Gulf Coast of Alabama. I grew up mainly in Alabama until 2009, when I relocated to Virginia. My wife and I now live in Maryland just outside D.C. - Where’d you go to college and what’s your degree?
I’ve been a lifelong learner! I attended the University of South Alabama for a BA in international business. I completed my master of public administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I transferred to Norfolk, Virginia, where I completed six years of coursework toward a Ph.D. in public policy.Moulton Tower, on the campus of the University of South Alabama. - What was your first job out of college?
I started working when I was 12 years old at a gas station by our home, cleaning floors, restocking — things like that. I worked in restaurants and hospitality through college. My first “corporate” job was with Cooper/T. Smith, a multinational company with stevedoring as its primary business. It also had a hospitality division, so I took on the IT role supporting that division during and out of college. - Describe yourself in three words.
Loud, funny, respectful. - What’s your favorite weekend activity?
My wife and I recently had our first child, Isabella, so our weekends are mostly spent entertaining her while she lights up our lives. We love wineries and brunches when we get the time. I personally enjoy working in the yard all weekend. And in the fall, college football reigns supreme! Roll Tide! - What’s your favorite travel destination?
This one is difficult! My wife and I love to travel. I’ve been doing it since I was old enough to drive. So, I’d have to choose two: New Zealand I would move to happily and stay there if I could — the people, wine and scenery are incredible; Vienna, Austria, is my favorite city destination —architecture, drinks and music! - Name one interesting or fun fact about you.
I have a real estate license in Alabama that I got right when I was old enough to pass the exam. I kept it all these years, just in case.