Luyang Fu, CSPA, FCAS (right), receives his CSPA certification from CAS President-Elect Brian Brown.
Author James P. Lynch, FCAS, (left) and Gary C. Wang, FCAS.
Chris Cooksey, FCAS (left) presents the 2017 CAS Ratemaking Award to Uri Korn, FCAS.
Sandra Callanan, FCAS, at the iCAS Predictive Analytics Community of Practice event on March 27.
Trevor Soupir, FCAS, listens during the concurrent session “Genetic Algorithms with Applications in Insurance,” held on March 29.
RPM attendees at the concurrent session “How to Pick a Better Model” on March 28.
Adding another designation to their CVs are (left to right) Guangjin “Jim” Xiao, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA; Christopher Monsour, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA; and Andrew Sutcliffe, CSPA.