Summer is often a time to relax and recharge and to celebrate. Kicking off with a slew of graduations, students take a much needed break from academics to look forward to new challenges in the future.
Many people growing up could not wait for the day when they would graduate from school and no longer be tied down with studying.
Yet for many, learning no longer seems to be a chore but a necessity or a drive. It is a way to get that better job or develop that interest in a subject that you want to master.
This drive is evident in all CAS members. They didn’t give up on learning — and we have the proof in these pages with photos of the new Fellows, Associates and CERA who celebrated important milestones in their careers this past May in Boston. (Woohoo, new ACAS Elizabeth Smith!)
At that Boston Spring Meeting, Mary Hennessey addressed the new members with some useful advice that applies to all CAS members, new and otherwise. Also, read what Richard Fein wrote in 1993 about actuaries in “Twenty-Five Years Ago in the AR” to see how some concepts are evergreen.
Summer is also a time to plan. Brian Brown is planning for the future by investing time meeting with high schoolers and actuarial students at the many schools he has traveled to during his presidency. These potential new members are the hope for the future of the association. You can read about Brown’s interactions with these bright young people in this issue’s President’s Message.
Summer is also the time to elect new CAS leaders. Take some time to meet the candidates for the upcoming election and learn about their plans for the future of the association.
We at the Actuarial Review hope that your summer or winter (to our members south of the Equator) is a fruitful time for relaxation and future plans