The CAS participated as gold sponsor of the Gamma Iota Sigma International (GIS) Conference, October 8-10, 2015, in Rosemont, Illinois. The conference celebrated the 50th anniversary of Gamma Iota Sigma, the International Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science Collegiate Fraternity. More than 550 students from 53 colleges and universities attended — the highest conference attendance in 45 years.
Each year, the GIS Conference offers the CAS an opportunity to educate students about the P&C career and showcase new CAS resources. Last year, the CAS focused on promoting its new membership program, CAS Student Central. This year, the CAS counts 1,800 GIS members among its 3,400 CAS Student Central members.
The CAS conducted two interactive educational sessions: “Excel for Actuaries,” presented by Derek Wong, FCAS, of CNA Insurance Companies, and “Basic Ratemaking,” presented by Wasim Chowdhury, FCAS, Allison Salisbury and Kelli Chupp of Allstate. CAS Board Member Camille Minogue, FCAS, shared details of her career path on a C-suite panel presentation. Minogue, fellow board member Wes Griffiths, FCAS, and CAS booth volunteers Wong and Chowdhury also spoke with several students at the conference career fair.
CAS staffers Mike Boa and Tamar Gertner also presented to university faculty and industry partners at the Faculty Roundtable and the Industry Partners Session.
About Gamma Iota Sigma
Incorporated in 1965, Gamma Iota Sigma promotes, encourages, and sustains student interest in insurance, risk management and actuarial science as professions; encourages the high moral and scholastic attainments of its members; and facilitates interaction of educational institutions and industry through networking and by fostering research activities, scholarship and improved public relations. Gamma Iota Sigma has an annual membership of over 2,500 students at 65 colleges and universities throughout North America and an alumni network of more than 20,000 individuals. For more information, contact GIS Headquarters at (484) 991-4471 or visit www.GammaIotaSigma.org.