But first, some rules of etiquette! Upon meeting the owner of a managing general agent (MGA), one should make a small curtsy or bow, keeping eyes lowered to the ground. Offer up free food and rounds of golf in abundance. Slay the fatted calf and let the wine flow! Caution—no matter how unprofitable a program is, take care not to disturb or disgruntle the Exalted Agent who gave you the losses. Remember—you could lose the business! Be sure to use an appropriate title below to show deference and respect.
His Royal Highness of Unsustainable Growth
Chancellor of Continually Climbing Claim Counts
His Eminence of Emerging Excess Losses
Tudor of Top-Line Treachery
Count d’Money (de Mo-NAY!)
Countess of Contingent Commission
Captain of Capricious Captive Collateralization
Duke of Dastardly Development
Regent of Run-off
Emir of Emaciated Earnings
Queen of Questionable Reserving Practices and her business partner, Sir Stair-Step
Lord Most High Loss Ratio
Prince of Program Administration Puffery
Princess of Premiums-Just-Need-to-Catch-Up-to-Losses
His Eminence of Hastily Entering New Markets
Her Grace of Gratitude for Renewing
Poobah of Puny Profitability
Exchequer of Unsupported Comp
The Sultan of Sky-High Self-Worth
The Almighty of Alarming ALAE
The Tutankhamen of Treaty Torching