Gamma Sigma Iota
In the fall of 2016, the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) joined over 500 of the best and brightest insurance, risk management and actuarial science students at the Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) 45th Annual International Conference in Columbus, Ohio. GIS supports the insurance industry in developing and sustaining a talent pipeline, and its annual conference provides the next generation of professionals with a wide array of educational and professional opportunities to support their insurance career pursuits.
As a GIS Sustaining Partner and a Platinum Conference Sponsor, the CAS had an active presence at the conference: presenting two educational sessions, meeting with university faculty, convening a roundtable of industry associations and connecting with students during the career fair at the CAS Student Central booth.
In the fall of 2016, the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) joined over 500 of the best and brightest insurance, risk management and actuarial science students at the Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) 45th Annual International Conference in Columbus, Ohio. GIS supports the insurance industry in developing and sustaining a talent pipeline, and its annual conference provides the next generation of professionals with a wide array of educational and professional opportunities to support their insurance career pursuits.
As a GIS Sustaining Partner and a Platinum Conference Sponsor, the CAS had an active presence at the conference: presenting two educational sessions, meeting with university faculty, convening a roundtable of industry associations and connecting with students during the career fair at the CAS Student Central booth.
The annual conference is a significant opportunity for companies to connect with and recruit students. It is the largest insurance-specific career fair in North America, with more than 60 exhibiting organizations and over 300 pre-scheduled job interviews. At the CAS Student Central booth, CAS member volunteers shared their advice and insights as practicing actuaries with students.

The CAS conducted two educational sessions that were well attended by students. Scott G. Sobel, FCAS, principal for Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting presented “Predictive Analytics and Your Actuarial Career” and CAS Staff Actuary Rick Gorvett, FCAS, presented “Actuarial Insights on the Risks of Tomorrow — Automated Vehicles.”
We are looking forward to participating in this year’s conference in Dallas, Texas, from September 28-30, 2017. Companies interested in sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the 2017 conference can find them on the GIS website,
Actuarial Students National Association
The CAS kicked off 2017 by attending the 27th Actuarial Students National Association (ASNA) Convention in Toronto in January. This event is the largest gathering of actuarial students, industry professionals and academics in Canada and provides a platform for aspiring actuaries to learn about the industry and network.
The CAS participated as an ASNA Convention Diamond Sponsor, which offered a variety of opportunities for the CAS to connect with students from the 13 ASNA member universities:
Six CAS members joined staff to promote the CAS to students at the CAS Student Central booth in the career fair.
Claudette Cantin, FCAS, FCIA, senior vice president, chief actuary & CRO for Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada, represented the CAS on the featured panel of industry professionals.
The CAS hosted the Saturday luncheon, highlighted by a keynote address by CAS President Nancy Braithwaite, FCAS, MAAA, 2nd VP and actuary, Travelers Insurance Co.

For the second consecutive year, a P&C case study written by the CAS was used for the ASNA Case Competition, jointly sponsored by the CAS, CIA and SOA. Christopher Townsend, FCAS, FCIA, from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, and David Wang, FCAS, FCIA, from EY, participated on the judging panel.
The CAS presented two educational sessions: Joel Li, ACAS, ACIA, from Allstate Insurance Company of Canada presented a session on predictive analytics, and Evgueni Venkov, FCAS, FCIA, from Aviva Canada, presented a session on automated vehicles.
Learn more about ASNA on on their website,