Member News

A Template for Improvement: The CAS Releases Capability Model

The CAS Capability Model is a visual framework that articulates and provides guidance on the traits, skills and knowledge important for most P&C actuaries. It is now available through the CAS website.

CAS members and other stakeholders can use the model to self-assess the levels of their professional attributes in 18 different areas, which will assist them in identifying areas of opportunity to learn and grow and in planning their professional development journeys.

The model is backed by extensive research and input gathered from a variety of stakeholders, including a CAS membership survey as well as the Employer Advisory Council, Candidate Advocate Working Group, Risk Management Committee, Member Advisory Panel and CAS Board of Directors. The model’s development was managed by a task force of volunteers and staff.

“As we continue pursuing our Strategic Plan goals of supporting our members in building skills for the future, the CAS Capability Model will play an important role,” said CAS President Roosevelt Mosley, FCAS, CSPA. “The model serves as a resource for our professional education planning teams and will inform the development and continued relevance of our CE offerings.”

CAS members are encouraged to start their own self-paced journey through the model by exploring the attributes within the three areas of the model: Traits, Skills and Content Areas. Each attribute is organized into three increasing levels of proficiency. With an understanding of the model components, members can assess their proficiencies, and then identify continuing education opportunities to further develop their expertise.

“The CAS Capability Model is a strategic resource that demonstrates our commitment to continuing education, and I’m proud of the work of the volunteers and staff who, with significant input from a wide range of stakeholders, partnered to bring the model to life,” said CAS CEO Victor Carter-Bey, D.M.

As a dynamic tool that will evolve over time, feedback from practicing actuaries on the model is welcome and can be sent to CAS Strategy and Learning Partner Carrie Cross at

How to use the Capability Model

  1. Review the Components of the Model — The first step is to review the capabilities important for most P&C actuaries and the levels of experience for each capability.Each attribute is organized according to three levels of proficiency, with Level 1 being the most basic and Level 3 being the most advanced.

    Level 1 individuals understand the content knowledge of the P&C actuarial profession; have the skills to apply this content knowledge to derive solutions and communicate results; and have the traits to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

    Level 2 individuals have a strong command of the content knowledge of the P&C actuarial profession; the skills to apply this content knowledge and integrate concepts across areas to address complex problems and communicate findings to a variety of stakeholders; and the traits to collaborate with others to drive decision making.

    Level 3 individuals have an advanced level of specialized content knowledge of the P&C actuarial profession; the skills to design novel solutions to solve complex problems; and the traits to effectively lead multi-disciplinary teams within and across organizations.

  2. Complete a Self-Assessment against the Model — Once you understand the components of the model, you can assess your experience against the attributes and levels of the model. While this self-assessment can be completed now, to further facilitate self-assessments the CAS is developing an online tool that will be launched later in 2023. In addition, based on your self-assessment, a custom learning plan will be provided, identifying CAS educational content that could assist you in moving from one level to the next.