Have you noticed that today’s population of actuarial students is knowledgeable, driven and overall extremely impressive? We have too, which is why the CAS University Engagement Committee developed the CAS Student Central Ambassador Program, which was piloted at 12 colleges and universities this past academic year. The program cultivates student leaders among the 4,200 students who have signed up for the CAS Student Central membership program since its start in January 2014.
Last spring the CAS invited select schools to participate in the program’s inaugural year. Twelve exceptional actuarial students were nominated by their professors to fulfill this student leadership position on campus. (See our lineup of students and their universities on the next page.) The program kicked off at the beginning of the fall semester with an orientation, including introductions to the CAS University Liaisons supporting each school.
Throughout the academic year, the CAS Student Central Ambassadors have been working closely with the University Liaisons and Academic Central members at their schools to champion the CAS and the property-casualty actuarial profession to their classmates. They have planned actuarial club presentations and career panels with P&C industry professionals, and they have facilitated special events, including CAS participation in actuarial career fairs and speaking engagements by CAS leaders. Representing the University of Toronto, Student Central Ambassador Eunice Zhang reported that her school hosted three events in total and that three more are in the works. “The first event was an introduction to the CAS and the P&C insurance industry, the second was a mock case competition, and the third was a conference call with an actuary working in the P&C industry,” said Zhang.
Through their efforts, the ambassadors have helped to increase student awareness of the resources and opportunities available through CAS Student Central. They have also assisted with developing CAS Student Central with valuable feedback on the program and its resources. These students now represent the youngest cohort of CAS volunteers, thus building on the tradition of CAS volunteerism that permeates the organization.
Ambassador Alice Chi sees the ambassador’s role as bridging the gap between students and the CAS. Together, the CAS and CAS Student Central Ambassadors have reaped many mutual benefits. The students’ active leadership involvement and feedback not only builds their resumes, but also helps the CAS improve its resources for actuarial students. Students have also been able to jumpstart their careers through opportunities to network and work closely with CAS members. “I am grateful for the opportunity to act as the CAS Student Central Ambassador at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,” said Chi.
Ambassador at Ohio State University, Michelle Aminov, credits the ambassador program as an effective and efficient way of communicating with students. “Through collaboration with members of the CAS like our University Liaison, Chuck Bryan, this role has opened my eyes to what the CAS has to offer,” said Aminov.
Based on the success of the pilot year program, the CAS Student Central Ambassador Program will be expanding in fall 2016, with the goal of doubling the number of schools.
The CAS appreciates the hard work of our Student Ambassadors and all of their efforts in promoting the CAS at their schools. As we engage the next generation of actuarial students to become volunteer leaders, we can’t help but to look at this impressive group of students and think about their CAS leadership potential — one or more of them could one day be a CAS president!
The Big Three of University Engagement
The CAS Student Central Ambassador Program is an enhancement to the CAS’s three main university engagement programs.
CAS University Liaison Program
Developed in 1999, the University Liaison Program offers colleges and universities direct access to a practicing actuary by matching CAS members as University Liaisons. Currently 350 University Liaison volunteers support 330 schools.
CAS Academic Central Program
A free membership program for professors who teach actuarial science and related courses. The program, formerly called the CAS Academic Correspondent Program, offers academics exclusive access to CAS resources and events. There are 335 academics participating in the program.
CAS Student Central Program
Launched in January 2014, this free membership program was developed to support university students pursuing actuarial careers. It offers numerous benefits to its members, including resources such as study aids and skill-building tips, free webinars and invitations to networking events with casualty actuarial professionals. CAS Student Central currently serves more than 4,000 members at 375 colleges and universities.