Editor's Note

C’est la Vie

Striving and failing is a repeating pattern. On and on it goes, until one day . . .  success. Then we pick another goal and the striving/failing pattern begins anew. Such is life. But sometimes, however much we strive, forces beyond our control do not allow for a crucial success. We must turn to others for a kind of support that goes far beyond any of the usual bonds of love and friendship.

Such was the case in our featured story on Larry Artes and Kay Kufera, two former colleagues who found themselves inextricably linked to each other’s lives. Author Annmarie Geddes Baribeau relates a beautiful story about what it truly means to give of one’s self. Many of us try to do the right thing, but one CAS member goes far above and beyond.

AR’s In Remembrance column also has fine examples of people who did the right thing — giving of their time; devoting themselves to a hobby or sport; advocating for education; advancing a profession; or serving their country. CAS members, both past and present, are admirable people.

In our cover story, Baribeau also revisits some emerging issues with new facets. Be sure to visit the AR website for a special animated treatment of our cover by our designer, GRAPHEK.

I hope you enjoy this issue as much I did putting it all together.


In the January/February 2019 AR, Meghan McWilliams was misidentified as Elizabeth McMillen in the photos of new Associates admitted in November 2018. McWilliams is the first person seated on the far left in the photo on the top of page 28. The error has been corrected in AR online.

The Volunteer Honor Roll in the 2018 November/December issue of AR omits seven volunteers employed by Verisk. They are Michael Edward Doyle, Rebecca J. Gordon, Hanna Komlos, Ping Hsin Lee, Marc E. Levine, Rimma Maasbach and Yanjun Yao. With the addition of these volunteers, Verisk has reached the benchmark for the CAS list of large employers with at least 40 percent of members volunteering.