Our cover photo, taken at the CAS Centennial Gala Dinner, and the one above – uphold a photographic tradition dating back to the very first meeting of the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society in 1914. Though taken 50 years apart, these photos represent the CAS’s rich history and show how much the CAS has evolved.
A record number of participants attended the CAS Centennial Celebration. Our cover story chronicles the experiences of various attendees as well as of those who worked behind the scenes.
Also included are excerpts from the Presidential Address and Address to New Members, as well as extensive coverage of Annual Meeting sessions.
Not surprisingly, emerging risks and big data figure heavily in this AR, as they are increasingly becoming part of actuarial work. Incidentally, author Steven Sullivan wrote our second feature story on emerging risks weeks before the hacking of Sony Corporation. Special thanks go to Alex Krutov, FCAS, who helped with the article. AR readers can also learn about conquering one of life’s greatest fears, and a remarkable book to add to their reading lists.
We hope you enjoy this issue devoted to the CAS Centennial. It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime event!