Welcome to the CAS Staff Spotlight, a column featuring members of the CAS staff. For this spotlight, we are proud to introduce you to Joyce Warner.
- What do you do at the CAS?
I work with the international and IT teams and our corporate sponsors. The international team is working on our international growth and member support strategy. IT is developing a new association management system to improve the member experience and streamline business operations. I also work with Victor Carter-Bey, our CEO, on projects that span the CAS. - What inspires you in your job, and what do you most love about it?
I love being among a group of energetic staff and volunteers and having a challenging set of goals. The CAS has grown significantly in membership over the last several years, and I’m excited to help support that trajectory. - Describe your educational and professional background.
I have a BA from Stony Brook University, an MA from American University and an MBA from Virginia Tech. Across those degrees, I studied a mix of international relations, education, languages, business, and information systems. I’ve had many wonderful opportunities to work with many inspiring people. I have worked in a few different sectors but spent much of my career working on educational systems in emerging markets. Before the CAS, I led a national non-profit providing emergency assistance and disaster relief. I am also a Certified Association Executive (CAE) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).I believe that non-profit organizations of all types should use a business mindset paired with lots of heart to best meet their goals.
- What is your favorite hobby outside of work?
International travel, architectural tours and pickleball! I’ve been to 35+ countries and now aspire to travel internationally at least once a year. I love modern and mid-century homes, and I try to go on tours in the D.C. area and when we travel. My husband and I took up pickleball last summer and now are part of that crazy growing cult. - If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?
Next summer we are planning a trip around Sicily. Once before I visited the area my great grandparents emigrated from, but I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of Sicily this time. - What would your colleagues find surprising about you?
Several years back I was invited to testify alongside the gracious and lovely Geena Davis (from Thelma and Louise) for the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the topic of women and technology. My organization was working to get women and girls more access to the internet to improve learning, livelihoods and overall wellbeing in countries with limited infrastructure. Davis was there to discuss her institute’s work creating more gender balance and inclusion in the entertainment industry. Other brushes with celebrities include serving as an interpreter for Vanessa Redgrave (from Howard’s End), hanging out with Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram after their show in which a musician friend was playing back up. - How would your friends and family describe you?
First, that I have an almost unnatural love for 70s music (imagine how happy I was to hang out with Linda Ronstadt). Kidding aside, I think they would also say that I wouldn’t complain about something without trying to do something to improve the situation and that I don’t sweat the small stuff.