Surface Volume Mismatch

If it is possible, then define a simply connected set in 3-dimensional Euclidean space that has volume 1 and infinite surface area. Alternately, if it is impossible then prove that such a set is impossible.  

Rolling a Long String of Ones  

In this puzzle, a die with k sides, numbered from 1 to k, has an equal probability (1/k) of landing with any one of these numbers up whenever it is thrown. The questions were: On average, how many times do you have to throw the die to generate n sequential outcomes of the number 1? Which takes more throws on average, k and n or k-1 and n+1 ?  

Following is an outline for a solution that was verified independently by Bob Conger. 

Let AWT(k,n) be the average “waiting” time it takes to roll n sequential 1s given k. 


where p = 1/k and q = 1 – p and hence AWT(k,1)=k. 

Immediately prior to rolling n+1 consecutive 1s first n consecutive 1s must be rolled. However, there could be any number of failed attempts to roll the n+1 consecutive 1. In each of these cases, after failure is like starting over. Therefore: 

AWT(k,n+1)=(AWT(k,n)+1) p(1+2q+3q2+…)=(AWT(k,n)+1) k. 

The solution to this recursion is: 


Obviously, for the second question to be meaningful, k≥2.  




    • n=1, AWT(2,1)=2= AWT(1,2)
    • n≥2, , AWT(2,n)>2n> AWT(1,n+1)=n+1


Denote the difference between AWT(k,n) and AWT(k-1,n+1) to be D(k,n). 


After putting the fractions above under a common positive denominator, we get the numerator. Let it be N(k,n): 

=(k-2) kn+1+1-(k-1)n+3. 

Whether AWT(k,n) is greater than, equal to, or less than, respectively, AWT(k-1,n+1) is dependent on whether the numerator above is greater than, equal to, or less than 0, respectively. 

For n=1, note that AWT(k-1,2)=(k-1)+(k-1)2=k(k-1)>k=AWT(k,1). 

As n becomes larger, eventually (k-2) kn+1 becomes arbitrarily larger than (k-1)n+3 

Consequently, although D(k,1) < 0, eventually, for large enough n, N(k,n)>0. 

Solutions were also submitted by Eamonn Long, Jerry Miccolis, John Noble, Anthony Salis and Chris Terrill.