New CAS subsidary will launch new credential in predictive analytics and data science.
With the formation of The CAS Institute, the Casualty Actuarial Society is expanding to include specialty credentials for quantitative professionals wanting to keep current in their field.
The CAS Institute will first focus on predictive analytics and data science and will later develop additional credentials in other specialty areas such as catastrophe modeling, capital modeling and quantitative reinsurance analysis.
A subsidiary of the CAS, The CAS Institute brings the rigorous CAS educational standards to developing curricula for these specialty areas. The new credentials are targeted to a wide range of experts, including actuaries, in recognition of their specialized knowledge and their skills in solving real-world practical problems, particularly in practice areas where predictive analytics, data science and other quantitative skills overlap with actuarial skills.
Candidates for The CAS Institute credentials will follow a pathway that includes a relevant course of study and assessments of practical knowledge and competency. Eligibility requirements will also consider completed academic degrees and relevant coursework, published technical papers and other evidence of expertise in the respective fields.
The CAS Institute will also develop a code of conduct and guidelines for continuing professional development.
“The market demands proven specialized knowledge and competency in today’s competitive environment,” said CAS President Bob Miccolis. “Our new credentials will provide the solution for experts and their employers to demonstrate such expertise.”