CAS President Roosevelt Mosley bestows the presidential medal upon incoming CAS President Frank Chang.
Outgoing CAS VP-International Kendra Felisky (left) accepts a gift presented by CAS Chief Business Officer Joyce Warner on behalf of the CAS International Council.
Attendees enjoy the welcome reception in L.A.
The Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall always draws a crowd.
New Associate Natalie Marie Jacobsen strikes a pose at the CAS step and repeat.
President Mosley (right) Poses with new Fellow Simone Renee Beauford-Walker and her children, from left to right, Xander, Soleil and Xavier Walker.
From left to right, President Mosley, Dalesa Bady, President-Elect Chang, Zoe Rico and CAS President-Elect Dave
Cummings make up the panel for the session “Town Hall with CAS Leaders: The Actuary of the Future.”
A group of friends celebrate earning their designations. Left to right are Ilya Silik, ACAS; Rebecca Tardif, FCAS; Justine Cantin, ACAS; and Marie Vermette-Laforme.
Roosevelt Mosley stands with some of the recipients of the 2023 CAS Trust Scholarship. From left to right are Kevin Konop (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Daniel Polites (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), President
Mosley and Aimee Xu (UCLA).